Wednesday, 31 January 2007

#19 Discovering Web2.0 Tools

For some reason when I tried looking at the whole list the page went blank - so then I clicked on the 'shortlist' and picked
HIPCAL - a personal organisation one. This looked good, I was especially interested in the text message reminders that could be sent to your one. I was only in demo mode so couldn't find out if there was a charge for this? Then as I got into I read the company had been taken over by 'Plaxco' and they would have a new look etc soon. I liked the hippo.
I then went to the 3rd place site in this category 'voo2do', which was nice and colourful, however did not have the text reminders. It also said it works 'imperfectly on safari' which is what i ahve on my mac at home.
These reminder services are good I suppose on your own personal computer but you'd need to be checking it all the time (not always possible with staff sharing terminals) and pretty hard for borrowers...

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