Thursday 1 February 2007

#22 Netlibrary

Am I having a wierd night? I just tried the link from the 23 things for this and it came up with an error -
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uri: /2006/09/22-audiobooks-or-end-is-in-sight.html

then I went to our homepage and the link to netlibrary in the databases took me to - (marketing business who's who??)

So I guessed the web address and spent agers lost around 'title select' which made me really confused as it kept calculating a price?
I then logged in again and came up with a totally different looking page - where I could click on ebooks - I choose 'The Railway Children' but am really tired and can't seem to find any sort of 'download' as it automatically opens for me in full screen and I can read the contents and whole book straight away?

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